Sunday, August 28, 2011

Social Game For RA.One

Almost every big-budget Bolliwood film that has released over the past year saw a mobile or internet game accompany it. Now actor-producer Shah Rukh Khan's RA.One has launched a game that will be available across five platforms-social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter), iPads/iPhones, Android, Nokia's Ovi store and DTH.
"We are trying to target the masses with brand Shah Rukh Khan", says Vishal Gondal, CEO, UTV Indiagames, which has created the game that revolves around G.One (the superhero character played by Khan in the film) and his adventures. The game will be available for free download by the end of September or early October. However, any further micro transactions (buying extra ammunition powers) will cost the gamer anything from Rs.5 to Rs. 100.

More about Social Game For RA.One at:

Monday, August 1, 2011

Brink To Offer a Free DLC In An Attempt To Improve On Its Initial Disappontment

Brink has, to date, been one of the boggest let-downs of console gaming in recent years. While not Duke Nuken Forever bad, the title promised so, so much, but delivered so, so little. We were promised gripping gameplay intelligent AI and, most importantly, a revolutionary movement system -S.M.A.R.T-that was going to change the face of first person shooters as we know them.
Unfortunately, both S.M.A.R.T and Brink were terrible disappointments. sure, the new system presented an interesting take on the heavily saturated FPS market, but it seemed that Splash Damange-the games developer-had spent too much time working on it therefore forgetting the other elements of the game. Just as an example, Brink featured one of the worst A.I of all time-characters seemed unable to perform even the simplest of tasks, or run to a pre-marked point so gamers were as well to play the gamealone.. not great for a game that encouraged team play.

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