Thursday, June 16, 2011

Free Online Game Services Offer More Wallet Relief

We've discussed the cost of video games extensively here at the blog with the emphasis being on how expensive this hobby can be when wanting to get in on the latest games. Luckily there are some quality services out there offering games free to play, or FTP via the PC.
Services like Steam, a popular web-based digital distribution site that offer both PC and Mac down-loadable versions of both independent and major studio video games, have begun to offer versions of popular titles such as Champions Online for free. Champions is a favorite here at the blog as it combines two of my top-geek genres, MMORPGs ans superheroes. Champions lets you create your hero, form super teams and battle it out with nefarious comic book style willains in a living breathing world community online. This game along with global agenda free agent, Alliance of Valiant Arms, Forsaken World, and the action-packed co-op game spiral knights have just been released on Steam as free to play titles.
Getting started is pretty simple, if you have 1GB of HD space available, a broadband connection, and Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows XP with a 1Ghz+processor, you simply have to install steam for free on your computer. Once installed, you'll have access to the full games library and can enjoy discounts, freebies and in-game bonuses, as well as a thriving community of fellow gamers to interact with.
Outside of free to play games, the service also offers discounts and cheaper prices throughout the site on titles like the recently Rick Broida reviewed Duke Nuken Forever, $59.99 on consoles, just $49.99 through Steam.
A few levels down from Steam, is another site which offers free games for the casual gamer is Addicting Games. Many of the titles on their site are akin to those you might find as apps on smartphones or on social media sites like Facebook. There are some fun free sports, puzzles, and adventure games to occupy your time so a perusal of their site is well worth it. Simply choose a game you want to play and start playing right in your browser.
EA's revamped store Origin and IGN's Direct2Drive also offer deep descounts on downloadable games, with the occasional free title made available.

Free windows game download source :

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